Discovering Ancient History w/ Dad
Exploring w/ Dad
When my dad announced that he would be taking medical leave from work to the family a while back, my mom immediately suggested a boys trip — and while I’m unsure if she actually wanted us to enjoy ourselves or instead wanted to enjoy peace and quiet back home (likely both), my dad & I took her up on the suggestion!
What’s Worse?
Stagnant Water or a Stagnant Life?
One of my favorite parts about traveling is actually the return home; the stocked fridge, infinite (tankless) hot water, my mattress.
Navigating the Depths of Passion and Purpose
But the more I write, the more I can begin to unravel the ball of yarn which is me.
I Needed A New Rear Seat Delete. So I Built One.
The options for a complete Tundra Rear Seat Delete are either DIY or $2,000, so I went to work.
South Florida: The Land That Whispers
A nuclear missile site in Everglades National Park, a city built inside a river, and a private island built during prohibition for parties — with a cannon & a lighthouse.
My Rooftop Tent Was Falling Apart. Here’s How I Fixed It.
Having spent well over 200 nights in my Roofnest Sparrow Eye, there’s not much my tent hasn’t seen. From the salty Atlantic in northeastern Maine, to the red sands of Moab.