Whose Words Are These?

Most of the words you have read of mine are from God.

What a hefty thing to say —

but stay with me.

Would it not be more insane to take credit for every thing I have ever written? To sit here and say, “yes, all of these words came from me.” In my meager life, that would perhaps be the most prideful and egotistical thing I can think of saying. 

But the alternative is something I fear to say beyond the borders of a small room with another soul I hold dear —

Most (definitely not all) of the things I write are words from God.
Not given to you by me, but through me.

And that seems insane to say, but when compared to the above — it seems most plausible. Am I some great mind, or wise speaker? Hardly; I barely made it through school, I have walked out on every job I have ever had, I am riddled with sin, and in person I struggle to convey simple ideas.

But the pen provides something different — the Holy Spirit moves my fingers without my knowledge, words converge and form sentences at the head of a river named “essay.” And when I jot down a thousand words without conscious thought, it seems even more unbelievable to say that I am responsible.

Recently I have come face to face with a new foe;
The pressure to perform.

But Good God, nothing could be more dangerous.
The moment I attempt to interfere with the message I am being used to convey, I am bound for destruction.

So how do I know when the chord has been struck?

Well, when my eyes start to water, and when I feel a heaviness in the upper left portion of my chest, and when my eyes start to see static, and when I look back — I just looked back — and see all that I wrote, but then I do not remember a single character of it, or later on when someone messages me and thanks me for providing words to their feelings, or for guiding them through a moment in their life —

These are signals that send a clear message;
I am a simple observer.

Some of my most favorite chapters on this matter come from Jeremiah, a 16-20 year old boy who the Lord called to be a prophet: Jeremiah 1:7 & Jeremiah 20:7


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