At What Cost is Growth?

When I was younger, this city was slower; the island I grew up on was relaxed, parking was vast and right of ways were not the site of endless legal battles. . . The beach was clean, cigarette butts were few and far between. My neighborhood was in a constant slumber! Holding the door was the norm, “thank you,” “yes ma’am,” “excuse me.” The houses were old, small, musty, and those that hadn’t yet been destroyed by hurricanes were left to live until the day came.

Nowadays, I hardly recognize my home.

That was unavoidable.

A beautiful location,
with endless marshes that are incapable of being spoiled.
And waterways that venture with the tides,
every six or so hours as the Atlantic washes miles in.

I am starting to realize the same can happen to me here.
As my thoughts become dominated with GROWTH;

I have become the real estate developer whom
is willing to
Sacrifice whatever it takes
to build something bigger.

Not better,
Not more relevant,
Not more valuable.

But bigger.

And at what cost?

I see everything spiritually;
sometimes people take issue with that,
but I can not resist.

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,”
A Robert Frost poem my teacher —
my mother —
made my siblings and I memorize.

The devil sets a lucrative trap;
Large Numbers, and Many Likes.
Things I have been told to pursue.
A co-opting of a Holy dream.

The alternative is Godly,
and it takes the form of much in our lives;
Restraint, and thought . . .
Foresight, and sacrifice. . .
Honesty, and FAITH. . .

Yet temptation exists from dawn through dusk.

I could sacrifice the vision the Lord has put on my soul, and the community I have built, and the relationships I maintain, and most importantly —

I could sacrifice an opportunity to strengthen my trust in the Lord —

If I slack at any moment and surrender this dream to the world.

Full circle !


Who Decides If You Go To College?


Navigating the Depths of Passion and Purpose